Orthopedic Doctor in Gurgaon ( Gurugram )

Dr Anurag Awasthi

Knee Replacement Surgery in Gurgaon
घुटने की रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी, गुड़गांव

Ph: 8447918981  ; 9773875245
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Dr Anurag Awasthi

Director- Orthopedic Surgery
Hip & Knee Replacement, Sports Injury, Arthroscopy & Complicated Fractures.

Book Your Appointments @ Kimaya Healthcare, Gurgaon

What is a Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery ?

 Robotic Knee Replacement involves the use of robotic arm for taking the bone cuts. It is supposed to increase the precision of bone cuts, with an objective of increased survival.

**Common Myth is that robotic knee replacements are faster, less painful or cause less blood loss. Some patients have even asked for a key hole Knee Replacement surgery. ( Please don't get misguided and don't accept false information)

Why We DON'T Recommend Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery to All Patients :
1. It takes approximately 25-30 min extra time to register the bony landmarks on the computer.

2. It requires insertion of metallic pins in the Femur and Tibia for placement of jigs that allow computer to register data. In a osteoporotic patient, or those with inflammatory arthritis ( Rheumatoid Arthritis)- this may increase the risk of fracture adjacent to metallic implants.

3. In Indian subcontinent, patients come for knee replacement at a very late stage wherein, there is significant bony and soft tissue deformity and stiffness is present. Such cases need frequent intra-operative assessment and modifications in the standard operative plan to achieve good ligament balance which is the single most important factor for success of knee replacement.

4. Increased surgical time often corelates with increased infection risk.

5. All Knee Replacement surgery ( Robotic v/s Conventional ) use the same implants ( Stryker, Depuy, Zimmer etc.). Approximate size of surgical cut required is 8-9 inch to allow accurate placement of implants in both methods.
 ** Important to understand that Knee Replacement can not be done using a key hole surgery.

Total Knee Joint Replacement Surgery

FAQs related to Knee Replacement

Do I Need A Knee Replacement ?

Knee replacement is required for advanced arthritis of the knee joint, producing painful limitation of movements and restriction in activities of daily living. Knee replacement as a solution should be offered only after supervised physiotherapy trials, have failed.

What Are the different types of knee replacement, and which one do I Need ?

Knee replacement can be total or unicondylar, depending on the number of compartments involved. Among the total knee replacement, there are two popular designs- Cruciate Retaining, and Posterior Stabilized. The decision for the design is best taken by the operating orthopedic surgeon based on the integrity of ligaments. Patella resurfacing as a routine is a debatable subject. Some surgeons  replace it; some don't. 

If I have pain in both the knees, should I go for surgery of both at the same time ?

Bilateral knee replacement in the same sitting, can be performed if both the knee joints are damaged to the same extent, however the medical condition of patient, and bone quality must be kept in consideration.

When can I resume work after a knee replacement ?

After a unilateral knee replacement, most patients can resume community ambulation within approximately 4 weeks, and start office after 6 – 8 weeks. In a Bilateral Knee replacement, patients attain community ambulation status after an average of 10-12 weeks (approximately 3 months). In our practice, most of the patients are able to walk without support approximately 3 weeks after surgery.

What are the risks involved in a knee replacement surgery ?

The most significant risks include Infection, Deep vein thrombosis, and Aseptic loosening of implants. The risks correlate with the co-morbid medical condition, and must be discussed with the patient before surgery. Adequate information and precautions help in significantly reducing risk of complications.

How long do I need to stay in hospital?

Patients normally require hospitalization for 3-4 days in single knee replacement, and up to 7 days in both knee replacement surgery

How much is the surgery duration ?

A single knee replacement takes approximately 90 min- 2 hours. Both knee replacement surgery takes approx. 3- 4 hours.

How long do I need to take rest after surgery?

Under normal circumstances, patients are allowed to stand with walker support on next day of surgery. Ambulation with walker starts within 2-3 days, depending upon the medical condition and pain control.

What should I expect during the hospital stay ?

Patients are given epidural anesthesia for surgery, and post op pain relief. They are expected to follow instruction from physiotherapist regarding muscle training.

When do we remove stitches?

Staples / stitches are normally removed 2 weeks after surgery. In case of Diabetic patients with delayed wound healing, staple removal may be delayed by a few days. Absorbable sutures for skin should be avoided due to risk of reaction in some patients.

When can I walk without support ?

Under normal circumstances, patients are able to walk without support after 3 weeks in single knee replacement surgery. In both knee replacement surgery, they take approximately 5-6 weeks.

What activities can I perform after surgery ?

Patients are allowed normal activity after surgery. However, they should avoid high impact sports, running, squatting, cross leg sitting, kneeling. Patients are comfortable to perform walking, swimming, and cycling after surgery.

Is there any precaution after surgery?

Due to placement of a foreign implant inside the body, patients should always get a medical opinion in case of any suspicion of infection elsewhere in body, and a proper antibiotic prophylaxis before planned surgical procedures, or even a dental procedure.

What is the approximate cost of Total Knee Replacement Surgery in India ?

The approximate cost for a single knee replacement surgery starts around 2.5 to 3 lac in a corporate hospital.
Cost of surgery package varies according to the 1) Accommodation, 2) Implant Category.

How Can We Reduce the Pain During & After Knee Replacement Surgery ?

We routinely do knee replacement surgery under Combined Spinal & Epidural anesthesia. It not only provides adequate pain control during surgery, but also helps with faster painless recovery. Additional options including a Adductor Catheter and dermal patches have helped our patients maintain good mobility starting next day of surgery.

How much is the blood loss in a Knee Replacement Surgery ?

All knee replacement surgeries are performed under tourniquet control; so there is almost no blood loss during surgery. After operation a drain is inserted to remove any collected blood from the joint. Routine use of Tranexemic acid injection significantly reduces the post surgery blood loss. Most of our Single Knee replacement patients do no need any blood transfusions. For those undergoing a simultaneous both knee replacement surgery, we keep 1 unit of blood as standby, and use it only when absolutely necessary.

If you have been recommended for a Knee Replacement, we can help you understand the best treatment plan for long term survival of the implant.


Dr Anurag Awasthi- (Kimaya Healthcare) 305, 3rd Floor, Unitech Arcadia, South City 2, Sec 49, near Sohna Road. OPD Schedule : Monday - Saturday 10 AM - 8 PM (By Appointment)- Sundays (Closed) -- Consultation Fee : 1000 INR -- https://g.co/kgs/SVuE8s





Orthopedic Doctor in Gurgaon ( Gurugram )